Didactic activities
Guided and interactive tours and workshops can be booked every day except Tuesdays from 10.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. (last entrance at 4.30 p.m.).
Each activity lasts 90 minutes.
All the didactic activities are available in Italian, English, French and Spanish and are conducted by trained museum guides specialized in teaching about art and cinema.
Content is adapted to suit the age of the participants.
Double educational route
The Educational Department offers schools the option of a double educational route which combines a guided or interactive tour of MIAC with a workshop at Cinecittà Shows Off allowing students to delve deeply into the history of Cinecittà and the relationship between cinema and art and to experiment with a range of different styles.
The double educational route is reserved for primary (Years 3 -5), middle and high school students and can be booked in the morning (10.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.) or afternoon (2.00 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.).
The double route comprises two activities, each 90 minutes long.
The entrance to Cinecittà Shows Off and MIAC is in via Tuscolana 1055 – 00173 Rome.
All didactic activities must be booked in advance: groups must have a minimum of 15 participants.
To book, contact:
didattica@cinecitta.it – Cinecittà Shows Off & MIAC Educational Department
mostre@boxeventitalia.it – Groups and booking office
Guided tours, interactive tours and workshops
€13,00 per student (primary, middle and high schools).
€10.00 per child (pre-school and schools located in Rome’s VII Municipio)
The cost includes entrance to the exhibition routes of Cinecittà Shows Off, MIAC and TWO didactic activities (each 90 minutes long) for a group of 15 (minimum) or more participants.
Double educational route
€20.00 per student
(years 3-5 of primary, middle and high schools)
The cost includes entrace to the exhibition routes of Cinecittà Shows Off, MIAC and TWO didactic activities (each 90 minutes long) for a group of 15 (minimun) or more partecipants.
The Educational Department of Cinecittà Shows Off & MIAC – in line with the National Cinema Plan for Schools (Piano Nazionale Cinema per la Scuola) published by MIUR (Ministry for University and Research) and MiC (Ministry of Culture) – promotes the educational value of cinema as an additional tool in the process of development and personal growth.
Special routes and projects, tactile and sign language (LIS and IS) activities, tailormade programmes for kindergarten and pre-school students and animation workshops are also available upon direct request to the Educational Department didattica@cinecitta.it
Cinecittà is equipped to welcome classes for breaks after their activities with special open-air areas for the consumption of picnic food. It is also possible to make use of Cinecittà Caffè which also comprises the Bookshop.
All areas of Cinecittà Show Off & MIAC – exhibitions, gardens, caffè, bookshop – are barrier-free.