13 December 2023
From December 15th, a showcase of Italy’s most recent productions with films by Edoardo De Angelis, Ginevra Elkann, Pietro Castellitto, Laura Luchetti, Giuseppe Fiorello… A tribute to Alberto Sordi and new short-film talents

By now one of the most passionate and lively showcases for Italian cinema in Europe, the Mostra de Cinema Italia de Barcelona is ready to launch its 12th edition with 10 feature films released over the last year and presented to the Catalan and international audience in its customary location at Cines Verdi from December 15 to 20. Organized by Cinecittà in collaboration with the Consulate General of Barcelona and the Italian Cultural Institute of Barcelona, the exhibition is based on the successful Festival of Festivals formula, with the screening of 10 titles, selected by film critic Giorgio Gosetti among the titles that took part in this year’s major international festivals (Berlin, Cannes, Karlovy Vary, Locarno, Venice, Rome, Toronto). The feature film section is sided by 7 short films from the Venice Critics’ Week with a 2,000-euro award for Best Short Film. Wrapping the exhibit, a special tribute to Alberto Sordi on the 20th anniversary of his death with two classic titles: I vitelloni by Federico Fellini (on the 70th anniversary of its release) and An American in Rome by Steno.
Commander by Edoardo De Angelis, which opened the 2023 Venice Film Festival, inaugurates the exhibit, followed by The Beautiful Summer by Laura Luchetti, An Endless Sunday by Alain Parroni, I Told You So by Ginevra Elkann, Invelle by Simone Massi, Enea by Pietro Castellitto, Misericordia by Emma Dante, Los océanos son los verdaderos continentes by Tommaso Santambrogio, Holiday by Edoardo Gabbriellini.
A special screening is dedicated to Fireworks by Giuseppe Fiorello.
A prestigious artistic delegation accompanies the films to Barcelona: Edoardo De Angelis, Laura Luchetti, Alain Parroni, Ginevra Elkann, Tommaso Santambrogio, Edoardo Gabbriellini, Simona Malato. Santambrogio and Parroni are back with two feature films after having won the Barcelona short film competition with their previous works.
The short films in competition at the Mostra de Cinema Italià come from SIC@SIC, a project promoted by the Venice Critics’ Week and Cinecittà, another lab that has proven to be a springboard for promising debuts. The participant shorts: De l’amour perdu by Lorenzo Quagliozzi, Foto di gruppo by Tommaso Frangini, It isn’t so by Fabrizio Paterniti Martello, La linea del terminatore by Gabriele Biasi, Las memorias perdidas de los árboles by Antonio La Camera, Pinoquo by Federico Demattè, We should all be Futurists by Angela Norelli.
Each title, whether feature or short film, is produced specially with Spanish subtitles.
Finally, an Industry Day on Monday, December 18, is to include one-to-one meetings and a lunch among the festival’s international film distributors and a selected group of Spanish buyers. A further precious rendezvous to achieve visibility for some of last year’s most interesting Italian productions.
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