Educational Department

The Educational Department was established in 2011, alongside the exhibition Cinecittà Shows Off, with the goal of acquainting visitors with the various disciplines of cinema and with the history and present-day reality of Cinecittà, highlighting the historical and architectural heritage of Cinecittà, and the permanent exhibitions.

The tours and activities – tailored for schools, universities, educational and training institutions, along with individual visitors and families, of all ages – aim to encourage interest in exploring the Studios and the legendary figures linked to Cinecittà.

The Educational Department’s activities are designed to present Cinecittà as an active and dynamic space, a meeting place for cinema, culture, education, and entertainment. The activities are tailored for a range of age groups; the didactic methodology is based on direct observation and workshop exercises, and is curated by specialized staff.

The programme of educational activities is curated by Barbara Goretti, Head of the Educational Department of Cinecittà Shows Off and MIAC – Museum of Moving Images.

The initiatives are designed and created in collaboration with “Senza titolo” Progetti aperti alla Cultura

Educational activities are available everyday (except Tuesday) from 10.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.; last entrance at 4.30 p.m..