Il Dipartimento educativo elabora progetti speciali dedicati alla promozione della cultura, alla diffusione dei linguaggi cinematografici e all’inclusione in collaborazione con istituti scolastici, associazioni e istituzioni museali e culturali.
La grande macchina del cinema
La grande macchina del cinema, an articulated didactic project for schools that explores the educational value of cinema, promotes knowledge of audiovisual and film styles, by screening masterpieces of past and present and encouraging a state of interactive and participative learning through workshop activities and actively experimenting facets of film production.
Totoro Garden
Totoro Garden project was created by the Educational Dept of Cinecittà Shows Off for all visitors to the exhibition, in particular to children, families and schools.
From the book to the film
Dal libro al film is an interdisciplinary project that connects literature, cinema, art and illustration. Aimed at children and families, the project includes interactive reading, animated visits and workshops on the links between literature and cinema, presenting the great literary classics through the moving image and illustrated albums.
Pinocchio al Colle
The educational Department of Cinecittà Shows Off has created workshops for ‘Pinocchio a Colle’ – an event held in the town of Colle Val d’Elsa, birthplace of the illustrious author Carlo Lorenzini, better known by his pen name, Carlo Collodi.
“Growing Up in Rome”
Cinecittà Shows Off has taken part in the project “Growing Up in Rome,” the first “survival” guide for parents of children aged 0-12. This guide provides a plethora of practical information and useful advice, recommending the most interesting educational play areas in the city.
Institut scolaire Piazza Gola
Cinecittà si Mostra hosted the initiative “Alla scoperta di Roma” (“Discovering Rome”) launched by the Istituto Comprensivo “Piazza Gola,” and aimed at involving nursery school children in a three-year educational project dedicated to Ancient Rome.
Giffoni Experience – Mukko Pallino
In 2011 the Educational Department of Cinecittà Shows Off, in collaboration with “Senza titolo” – Progetti aperti alla Cultura, took...