Genre Documentary

Director Andrea Segre

Country, yearItaliana, 2021

Runtime 43'

Technical specs Colore

Production Ilc, Fondazione La Biennale Di Venezia

Release date 2021

Status Pronto

Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales, Associated Production

Federica Di Biagio

Theatrical film and documentary distribution

+39 0672286271

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs

+39 0672286437


La Biennale di Venezia: Il cinema al tempo del COVID

by Andrea Segre
Theatrical Italy
International rights sales
Domestic rights sales
Associated Production
Per Tutti

Genre Documentary

Director Andrea Segre

Country, yearItaliana, 2021

Runtime 43'

Technical specs Colore

Production Ilc, Fondazione La Biennale Di Venezia

Release date 2021

Status Pronto

Cinecittà rights

Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales, Associated Production

Federica Di Biagio

Theatrical film and documentary distribution

+39 0672286271

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs

+39 0672286437

La Biennale di Venezia: il cinema al tempo del Covid is a video diary, produced by the Venice Biennale in collaboration with Rai Cinema and the Istituto Luce Cinecittà, of what went on backstage at the 2020 Venice Film Festival, held under the restrictions imposed by the safety protocols required by the covid-19 pandemic.


La Biennale di Venezia 2021: Preapertura


Screenplay Andrea Segre