Genre Documentary
Director Sandro Baldoni
Country, yearItalia, 2017
Runtime 82
Production Acqua Su Marte, Rai Cinema
Release date 2017
Status Pronto
Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales
La botta grossa
The 30th of October 2016 an earthquake hits Central Italy. It is the strongest eartquake registered in Italy in the last 40 years: a magnitude 6,5 with epicentre in between Perugia (Umbria) and Macerata (Marche) devastates the whole area of the Sibillini mountains, where the director was born and grew up. Starting from his own demolished house and from his own pain, Baldoni takes a journey “from inside” the experience of the earthquake to tell the deep fears, the trauma, the anxiety, the rage and the hope of the people whom’s life has been changed by these events.
Screenplay Sandro Boldoni