Genre Documentary

Director Tony Saccucci

Country, yearItalia, 2019

Runtime 90'

Production Istituto Luce Cinecitta'

Release date 2019

Status Pronto

Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, Production, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales

Federica Di Biagio

Theatrical film and documentary distribution

+39 0672286271

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs

+39 0672286437


La prima donna

by Tony Saccucci
Theatrical Italy
International rights sales
Domestic rights sales

Genre Documentary

Director Tony Saccucci

Country, yearItalia, 2019

Runtime 90'

Production Istituto Luce Cinecitta'

Release date 2019

Status Pronto

Cinecittà rights

Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, Production, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales

Federica Di Biagio

Theatrical film and documentary distribution

+39 0672286271

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs

+39 0672286437

La Prima Donna treats the gender disparity represented by the story of Emma Carelli: the first italian woman manager and opera singer of the early 20th century. The movie is made up of three acts as Puccini’s Tosca: there’s a connection between this character, Emma Carelli and the history of female emancipation. The first act illustrates Carelli’s artistic career. The second one describes her results as manager of the Teatro Costanzi, now Teatro dell’Opera in Rome. The third act is the tragic epilogue of her life: Fascism expels her from the direction of the Theatre because, as the secret police’s 1925 dossier explains: “As a woman, she is famous for her independent personality”. Carelli cruently dies in 1928, an year that registers the highest number of female suicides in modern Italy.


Festa del Cinema di Roma 2019: Preaperture


Licia Maglietta