Original title Nazisti a Roma

Director Mary Mirka Milo

Country, yearITA, 2007

Technical specs colore / bianco e nero

Production Istituto Luce, Light History

Release date 2008-03-31

Cinecittà rights International rights sales, Domestic rights sales, Co-production

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs


+39 0672286437


Nazis in Rome

by Mary Mirka Milo
International rights sales
Domestic rights sales

Original title Nazisti a Roma

Director Mary Mirka Milo

Country, yearITA, 2007

Technical specs colore / bianco e nero

Production Istituto Luce, Light History

Release date 2008-03-31

Cinecittà rights

Cinecittà rights International rights sales, Domestic rights sales, Co-production

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs


+39 0672286437

8 September 1943: the radio transmitted the news of the armistice with the al lied forces. Two days later Rome was occupied by Nazi troops. This was the beginning of 9 months’ terror for the Italian Capital, with roundups, persecution of the Jewish community, and hunting of Partisans. Gestapo headquarters were set up in Via Tasso where suspects were imprisoned and tortured. The attack in Via Rasella was followed by the horrendous Fosse Ardeatine massacre. The city was starving, on the bare point of survival but, then, in June the end of sufferance: the allied forces arrived, bringing with them a renewed joy of life.