Original title Il giovane normale
Genre Comedy
Director Dino Risi
Country, yearITALIA, 1969
Runtime 105
Film Yes
Production Franco Cristaldi Per Vides Cin.Ca, Pio Angeletti E Adriano De Micheli Per Dean Film, Italnoleggio
Release date 29/11/1969
Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales, Co-production
Normal young men
Having left his friend Mariolino, with whom he had departed for a few days of vacation, in Genoa, the young Giordano Sangalli, son of a Milanese taxi driver, is taken in by three Americans (Sid, art history teacher, his wife Diana and their writer-friend Nelson). They invite Giordano along on their car trip to Tunisia, returning hence to Italy through Spain and the Côte d? Azur. Giordano gladly accepts their invitation, especially after noticing Diana?s interest in him and learning from Nelson that the older Sid leaves Diana totally free when it comes to extra-marital relationships. Once in Africa, Giordano, with Nelson as his accomplice, soon gets the chance to enjoy the couple?s liberal nature, save when it comes to Giordano becoming jealous of a young French hitch-hiker that Diana seems to take a liking to. The trip continues on and the three of them reach the Côte d?Azur. Giordano thinks there?s a chance of him even going on to America, but it?s only a brief illusion. Once in Italy, in fact, the Americans, having grown tired of Giordano, cut him loose immediately.
Screenplay Ruggero Maccari, Maurizio Costanzo
Script Umberto Simonetta, Ruggero Maccari, Dino Risi
Editing Alberto Gallitti
Costume design Ezio Altieri
Set design Luciano Ricceri
Music Armando Trovajoli
Giordano Lino Capolicchio
Diana Janet Agren
Nelson Eugene Walter
Prof. Sid Jeff Morrow
Un automobilista Umberto D’Orsi
Mariolino Claudio Trionfi
Claudio Giuseppe Franco
La professoressa Dana Ghia
Giorgio Gino Santercole