Director Fabrizio Laurenti, Niccolò Vivarelli
Country, yearITA, 2017
Technical specs colore
Production Tea Time Film, Wildside, Istituto Luce Cinecitta'
Release date 2017-12-14
Cinecittà rights International rights sales, Domestic rights sales, Co-production
Piero Vivarelli: Life as a B-Movie
The unbridled life and kaleidoscopic filmography of Piero Vivarelli, who made Italian B-movies of all genres, wrote hit rock songs and penned the screenplay for Sergio Corbucci’s Western “Django,” adored by Quentin Tarantino, are intertwined in a portrait of an unsung postwar provocateur and revolutionary (the only non-Cuban besides Che Guevara to be given a Cuban Communist Party card signed by Fidel Castro). The creative doc is also a prism into an unexplored territory of Italian — and by extension global — pop culture and its unique vitality. Piero Vivarelli did a lot of things: As a music journalist he is considered one of the people who brought rock and roll to Italy; as a songwriter he wrote several hits that went around the world, such as 24 mila baci, 24,000 Kisses, covered in France by Johnny Halliday. As a film director he made movies of many different genres. He was also very passionate politically, a right-winger in his adolescence and then an early supporter of the Cuban revolution who became personally close to Fidel Castro.
Screenplay Fabrizio Laurenti, Niccolo' Vivarelli