Original title Bellissime - Il Novecento visto dalla parte di "lei"
Genre Documentary
Director Giovanna Gagliardo
Country, yearITALIA, 2003
Runtime 125
Film Yes
Production Istituto Luce
Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, Production, International rights sales, Domestic rights sales
Simply beautiful
Most documentary movies tell 20th-century history focusing on the most important events (wars, revolutions, etc.) and figures who, for better or worse, played a major role in its forging. Our purpose is to plot a parallel and complementary history, starting from the material in Istituto Luce History Archive: history as it was lived and sometimes suffered, strictly narrated from women’s point of view. “Another history” depicts history’s crucial events with female sensitivity and emotiveness, transfers them to the household and family dimension and shows us the evolution and emancipation of women in a century that registered a remarkable change in the female image. We ask ourselves a number of questions. What was women’s role in the 20th century? Which were the female models that inspired their behavior? When the course of events compelled them into action, were they braver and more heroic than their male counterparts? Which are the historical turning points of women’s transformation and evolution? In other words, we would like to avoid making a social documentary. Our aim is rather to create a visual research of a route, the recorded history of a progression, the testimony of its indispensable vitality. Here is an example of four hypothetical episodes, each one lasting fifty minutes. For the time being, we will point out the events that could mark the beginning and the end of the four episodes. Obviously, the story’s progress and tone will depend on the footage itself.
61. Mostra Internazionale d’Arte Cinematografica – Venezia 2004: Cinema Digitale
Italian Film Festival – Scotland 2007: Documentaries
Festival del Cinema Italiano di Madrid 2008: Concorso Documentari
Screenplay Giovanna Gagliardo
Cinematography Massimiliano Maggi
Editing Patrizia Penzo
Music Stelvio Cipriani
Archive footage
Luisella Beghi
Francesca Bertini
Lina Cavalieri
Doris Duranti
Eleonora Duse
Anna Magnani
Bice Valori
Monica Vitti