Genre Documentary

Director Matteo Raffaelli

Country, yearItaliana, 2021

Runtime 50'

Technical specs Colore

Production D-Color Srl

Release date 2021

Status Pronto

Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, Domestic rights sales

Federica Di Biagio

Theatrical film and documentary distribution

+39 0672286271

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs

+39 0672286437



by Matteo Raffaelli
Theatrical Italy
Domestic rights sales

Genre Documentary

Director Matteo Raffaelli

Country, yearItaliana, 2021

Runtime 50'

Technical specs Colore

Production D-Color Srl

Release date 2021

Status Pronto

Cinecittà rights

Cinecittà rights Theatrical Italy, Domestic rights sales

Federica Di Biagio

Theatrical film and documentary distribution

+39 0672286271

Simona Agnoli

Sales & Business Developement, Films and docs

+39 0672286437

Lives of extraordinary elderly and their historical memory intertwine in this documentary film that will permanently imprint in our minds the historical event marked by the spread of a deadly virus – COVID-19 – which unfortunately, is not over yet, which has shaken the whole world, and decimated the generation of memory, those who had been witnesses to our history for nearly 100 years. “Life!” re-builds the human and personal history of the historical memory of Bergamo and the surrounding area to make the cultural heritage and common identity of this territory known. The interviews will tell us about the daily life, past, lovers, crafts, dreams of each one of them.