28 August 2024
The Italian Pavilion at 81st Venice International Film Festival
From August 28 to September 6, the Casa Italiana for Cinema is at the Festival, promoted by Cinecittà and the DGCA of the Ministry of Culture, doubling its meeting areas, exclusive presentations, international panels. In-person at the Lido and online, a window for everyone on the most anticipated film event of the year

In a grandly announced Venice Film Festival, with world stars and anticipated titles, the Italian Pavilion is back again. A professional venue organized and promoted by Cinecittà and the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the Ministry of Culture at the Lido’s Hotel Excelsior, from August 28 to September 6, this year the Italian Pavilion doubles its space in Room Tropicana 1 and 2 with even richer meetings, conferences, presentations, awards. A meeting point for professionals and creatives where energies and ideas blend, and our audiovisual system is presented abroad.
The program, which can be explored on www.italianpavilion.it, opens with important meetings of the Ministry of Culture. The first takes place on Thursday, August 29, when data on the Cinema Revolution program and the 2023 Numbers of Italian Cinema are presented, continuing on Friday, August 30, with a meeting on international Tax Credit, and followed by a Production Tax Credit discussion on Saturday 31, and a debate on creativity and Artificial Intelligence on Sunday, September 1.
Archivio Luce Cinecittà and MiC present two new cultural projects: the ‘Dive e Madrine’ exhibition on September 2 at the Excelsior Hotel, a fascinating intertwining of the history and current affairs of the Film industry, and the first edition of the Gina Lollobrigida Award on September 3, a tribute to an outstanding artist dedicated to new talents.
Cinecittà for the Directorate General for Cinema and Audiovisual of the MiC presents a busy calendar with protagonists of the international audiovisual industry through a series of conferences, conventions and business meetings, tackling international sector trends in support of the domestic audiovisual system.
The collaboration with MPA, the Motion Pictures Association, one of the main players in the global industry, renews with the conference ‘Into the Future: Creativity and Innovation in the Audiovisual Industry’ (August 31,) which explores the best practices, challenges and opportunities brought by new technologies.
The second edition of the institutional anti-piracy campaign “We Are Stories” is at the center of the panel “We Are Stories 2” Campaign: Women’s Vision and Skills in the Audiovisual Industries’ (September 2).
Among the numerous insights this year, the panel ‘Euro-Mediterranean Cinema Partnerships and their Dynamics’ (August 30) organized in collaboration with the MedFilm Festival and the MedMeetings in Rome; and the session ‘There’s more than One Way to Finance an Independent Film’ (September 1).
Finally, a UK Focus (September 2) organized in collaboration with the British Film Institute, the most important British cinema institution, aims at increasing Italian companies’ horizons in and outside the country’s border.
These and many other showcase events are to take place in the two rooms of the Pavilion, as always with strong aesthetics and exclusive staging, a special one dedicated to the images of the Luce Archive for the 100th anniversary of one of the most important European audiovisual institutions.
The Italian Pavilion is promoted by Cinecittà SpA and the General Directorate of Cinema and Audiovisual-Mic.
Initiative partners are: Afic – Agiscuola – Anec-Anica – Apa – Ape – CSC Centro Sperimentale Di Cinematografia – Cinematografo – CNA -Doc/It – Fice – Europa Creativa Media – Rome Film Festival – Giornate degli Autori – Italian Film Commissions – Italian Short Film Center – Italy For Movies – Mia – Rai Cinema – SNGCI – SNCCI – Cinecittà News