The Educational Department was established in 2011, at the same time as the exhibition Cinecittà Shows Off, to acquaint all visitors with the various disciplines of cinema and with the history and present-day reality of Cinecittà, highlighting the historical, cinematographic, architectural and museum heritage of Cinecittà.
The educational offer provides the opportunity to learn about Cinecittà’s material and tangible heritage with guided tours and dedicated workshops at Cinecittà Shows Off, MIAC – Museum of Moving Images, Studio EL, the sets and the temporary exhibitions to experience the Studios as an active, dynamic space, a meeting place for cinema, culture, education, and entertainment. The work of the Educational Department is defined by an interactive approach, direct experimentation, interdisciplinary experience and in-depth exploration of the techniques and themes of the audio-visual industry, with museum educators specialised in teaching and communication of cinema and contemporary art.
The Educational Department of Cinecittà Shows Off and MIAC – Museum of Moving Images is directed by department head Barbara Goretti, with “Senza titolo” – Progetti aperti alla Cultura
To contact the Educational Department, write to
Activities for adults
The Educational Department proposes themed guided tours, special tours and VIP tours focussing on the material and tangible heritage of Cinecittà.
Activities for schools
There is a broad education programme for schools comprising guided activities, animated tours and workshops focussing on Cinecittà and on experimenting roles in film making.
Activities for universities
University and academy students visiting Cinecittà may take advantage of routes focussing on the history of cinema and the productions that made the Studios an iconic reference point in the collective imagination.
Activities for families
Families and children learn about cinema at Cinecittà with the fun, educational experiences offered by Cinebimbicittà, a programme of workshops, interactive visits and special events.
Accessible activities
The Educational Department creates inclusive and accessible activities, structuring routes for people with motor, sensory or psychic disabilities, making Cinecittà increasingly more inclusive.
Special Projects
The Educational Department creates special projects to promote culture, the awareness of cinematic styles, and inclusion in partnership with schools, academies, universities, museums, associations and institutions.